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Greek Gods and Goddess: Pandrosos

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Introduction to Pandrosos

The ancient Greek Gods and Goddess contain a wealth of stories and legends, wrapped in Myths which typically provide a story with a morale code designed to influence the reader into behaviour as fitting Greek culture of the era.

In this article, we look at Pandrosos and the myths and legends surrounding Pandrosos, Pandrosos relationship to and with other Greek Gods and Goddess and key events and stories which relate to ancient astrology and the changing seasons.

About Pandrosos

She was one of the daughters of Cecrops and Aglauros, her sisters were Herse and Aglauros, she was turned to stone, by Hermes. See file on Praxithea for full details and analysis.

Popular Greek Gods and Goddess related to Pandrosos

Articles and Books of Greek Gods and Goddess