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Nostradamus Quotes

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The Quotes in this section are related to the works of Lux Nova and his studies and analysis of the Works and Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lux Nova provides separate themed books of Nostradamus Prophecies, each of which can be accessed in the Secret Vault. This Quote or 'Extract' if you prefer, draws reference from the following books by Lux Nova:


Nostradamus Quotes: Century 9 Verse 46

Vuydez, fuyez de Tholose les rouges,
Du sacrifice faite piation,
Le chef du mal dessous l'ombre des courges,
Mort estrangler carne omination.

Variations in rendered French

Authors works consulted for variations in French: (a) John Hogue. (b) Henry C. Roberts. (c) Mario Reading. (page, 347.) (d) Edgar Leoni. (e) Jean-Charles de Fontbrune (page, 380.) French rendered the same except, (d) has, 'videz,' 'Tolose,' and 'etrangler.' And All have 'expiation.' (a)(c) have, 'desssouz.' (a) has. 'vmbre.'

Meanings of the French words deemed appropriate

Vuydez= as Vuides= Emptied, wasted, voided; but the intent in this verse is that of, get the hell out, vacate, flee, run. Fuyez= Flee, fly, escape, evade; shun, avoid; excuse, delay; loath. Tholose= Toulouse, also, rendered Tholouse, Tolose, and Tholosian, by Nostradamus in other verses. Rouges= Reds, (vermillion, blood red.) piation, as Expiation= Purgation, satisfaction. Dessous, as dessoubs= Under, beneath, below. Ombre= A shadow; also, a shade, or covert; also, a colour, cloak, vail, pretext, or pretence for; also as Vmbre. Estrangle= To strangle, or strangled. Carne, from Latin; of Carnifex-icis. Executioner, hangman; scoundrel, murderer. Omination, from, Latin, of, Ominat-or-oris= diviner, ominatus, to foretell, divine predict, forebode.

How ignorant are the previous authors on this verse. There is a saying, that tells us, that it is literally impossible to kick against the Gourds. Although, this is translated as 'goads' in the story of the conversion of Saul to Paul, some have translated this as 'pricks' it merely says that it is hard to kick, go against the established beliefs and laws, the customs, dogma, and prejudices that prevail through the priests and those that rule. Thus, in this verse, Nostradamus is speaking of those that determine and dispense the law, the Judges.

Thus, we might translate

Red ones, vacate, flee from Toulouse,
A purging by sacrifice to be made,
The chief cause of the evil hidden behind the cloaks of the judges,
Strangled the executioner will the throes of death interpret.

Further Reading and resources on Nostradamus

For more details on the books considered by these authors, and others, see Nostradamus references.

Meanings of the French words used within Nostradamus Prophecies

For further insight into the French words, treated, or deemed unnecessary, consult the Secret Vault Dictionary on words used by Nostradamus.

Variations in rendered French

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